Revolutionizing Correctional Health Care

PCM Lite operates as a solutions and services-driven entity, unburdened by the constraints of staffing. By emphasizing solutions and services over the traditional reliance on a fixed workforce, PCM Lite embraces a flexible and scalable model. This allows our partners to invest in a comprehensive and integrated health care solution that optimizes resources, manages expenditures, and prioritizes the health and wellness of their incarcerated population.

PCM Lite is committed to providing a holistic and integrated approach to meet all the unique requirements of correctional facilities. Whether it's a standalone service or a bundled solution, PCM Lite offers a diverse range of solutions and services that cater to our clients' specific needs. PCM Lite is powered by PrimeCare Medical Inc., utilizing their existing technologies, infrastructure and resources.

PCM Lite serves as a comprehensive á la carte solution for all of your correctional health care requirements. It provides answers to the costly and complicated provision of quality care by offering a wide array of products, services, and solutions, with the primary goal of increasing positive patient outcomes while helping you save valuable time, money, and resources. Choose what you need and leave the rest to us.

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